This course is designed to develop skills in understanding basic
hydraulic systems, fluid, tanks, directional valves, relief valves,
and stating the flow and function of component using a graphic fluid symbol. The participants also learn how to draw hydraulic circuits using ISO symbols.
This course is designed for new mechanical engineers,
technicians and chemists whose work is related to the features
of oil refining and gas plants
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Day 1
Hydraulic Tanks
Function of Hydraulic Fluid
Day 2 and 3
Hydraulic Pumps
Pressure Control Valves
Directional Control Valves
Day 4 and 5
Flow Control Valves
Pilot Hydraulic and Implement Hydraulic Systems
Welding is the process of permanently joining two materials
through localized coalescence; resulting from a suitable
combination of temperature, pressure and metallurgical
condition1 This course covers welding classification, welding
process, welding metallurgy, material welding, weld symbols
and weld quality.
This course is designed for new mechanical engineers and
technicians, as well as welding and inspection engineers.
Day 1
Review of the Conventional Welding Processes
Day 2
Shielded Metal ARC Welding
Thermal and Metallurgical Consideration in Welding
Day 3 and 4
Welding of Materials
Welding Procedure and Process Planning
Weld Quality
Day 5
Testing and Inspection of Welds
This course is designed to develop skills in understanding
rotating equipment and its components, pumps, compressors
and turbine operation and maintenance, as well as bearing,
fitting servicing, and troubleshooting.
This course is designed for new mechanical engineers and
maintenance technicians.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
General Safety Topics
Compressors Types and Maintenance
Day 2
Pumps Types, Components, Characteristics, Application and Maintenance
Day 3
Fans and Louvers Belts Safety and Maintenance
Day 4
Day 5
Vibration Analysis and Cause and Effect
This course is designed to develop skills in understanding
bearing types and how to select and identify the correct
bearing, trouble shooting, and handling and storage.
This course is designed for mechanical maintenance engineers and technicians. Senior engineers, leaders and planning personnel could also attend this course.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Plain Bearing
Day 2
Day 3
Anti–Friction Bearing
Day 4 and 5
Trouble shooting: Anti-Bearing Failures
This course introduces the participants to the concepts of
compression methods and compressors types, selection,
operation and maintenance, troubleshooting, as well as
preventative maintenance procedures.
This course is designed for engineers and operations staff
responsible for operating and maintaining gas compressors.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Reciprocating Compressors and their Applications
Day 2
Design and Materials
Operation and Maintenance
Day 3
Repair of Reciprocating Compressors
Day 4 and 5
Preventive Maintenance
Duration: 5 days | Level: Intermediate
Gas turbines are a significant prime mover in industrial plant
application1 For this reason it is important for the technicians
to understand the principles of operation and maintenance
involving gas turbine.
This course is designed for mechanical and instrumentation
engineers whom are working in gas turbine operation and
maintenance up to a maximum of 10 years of experience.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
The Gas Turbine Engine
Gas Turbine Engine Components
Day 2
Energy Transformation in Gas Turbines
Fluid Flow in Gas turbine Engines
Day 3
Gas Turbine Engine Performance and Specifications
Day 4
Selected Topics on Gas Turbine Component Design and Manufacturing
Day 5
Gas Turbine Maintenance
This course covers all the steps required in developing a
successful Planning & Predictive Maintenance programme from system development, until a well-managed Maintenance system is in place and operational.
This course is designed for planners and engineers in the field of maintenance, or operation personnel whose work is related to preventive and/or predictive activities.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Introduction to Maintenance Management & Reliability
Day 2
Effective Maintenance Strategies
Day 3
Maintenance Management, Leadership, Planning & Scheduling
Day 4
Failure Management & Achieving Excellence
Day 5
Maintenance Benchmarking and Performance Measurement
RCM is a systematic process used to determine what has to
be accomplished to ensure that any physical facility is able
to continuously meet its designed functions in its current
operating context. This course covers the principles of RCM,
as well as implementation, preparation, techniques, and
monitoring and trending strategy.
This course is designed for division managers and maintenance- related managers. Maintenance and production engineers will also benefit from this course.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Introduction to RCM
Fundamental RCM Concepts
Day 2 and 3
RCM Implementation: Preparation and Tools
RCM Made Simple: The Implementation Process
RCM Task Selection Process
Day 4
RCM for Instruments
RCM Living Programme
Day 5
RCM Monitoring and Trending Strategy
Systematic risk-based inspection can assess the likelihood and potential consequences of the failure of pressure equipment. Risk-based inspection provides an opportunity for companies to prioritize inspection equipment; improve methods of inspection, frequency, resources, develop specific plans for inspection of equipment, and enable the implementation of reliability centered maintenance. This results in improved safety and less risk of failure, forced shutdowns, and reduce operational costs.
This course is designed for operations engineers, maintenance
engineers, and engineering managers and supervisors
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Significance of Inspection in Plant Integrity and Maintenance Costs
Day 2
Risk Based Inspection Definitions
Day 3
Overview of 60+ Damage Mechanisms Found in Refineries
Day 4
Inspection Planning & Guidance
Day 5
Inspection Interval Optimization Based on Assessed Risk
No course decription
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Introduction to Control Valves
Day 2 and 3
Valve and Actuator Types
Control Valves and Connections
Valve Body Bonnets
Control Valve Accessories (Positioners)
Day 4 and 5
Control Valve Selection
Control Flow Characteristics
Valve Sizing
Non-Destructive Test Procedures
Installation and Maintenance
London, United Kingdom
Imperial College,
Innovation Hub,
4th Floor,
84 Wood Lane, London,
W12 0BZ
The name "UniHouse®" is protected by UK Trademark Registration No. UK00003667826, held by Unihouse Global Ltd. This trademark is registered with the Intellectual Property Office in the United Kingdom. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited