This course is designed to develop skills in understanding
distribution and power generation systems, design, calculating
new plans and network losses, and designing new technologies in view of acquiring more energy efficient system.
This course is designed for senior electrical engineers who
are involved in the planning, design, operation, maintenance,
protection, and control of power utilities and industrial plants
and are responsible for overhead transmission lines problems
and maintenance.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Day 1
Day 2 and 3
Planning and Design
Day 4 and 5
Materials and Equipment
This course covers robust knowledge on VFD and the principles
of electrical devices and circuits, motor types, power electronic
convertors, and how to select AC convertors and install and
commission AC variable frequency speed drives.
This course is designed for plant and facility maintenance
personnel, maintenance supervisors, and plant engineers.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
3-Phase AC Induction Motors
Day 2
Power Electronic Convertors
Day 3 and 4
Protection of AC Convertors and Motors
Control Systems for AC Variable Speed Drives
Selection of AC Convertors
Day 5
Installation and Commissioning
This course has been designed to develop participants’ skills in
understanding grounding and lightning systems’ procedure,
and to recognize lightning protection methods and how to
protect equipment by grounding applications. This course also
covers static electricity and protection.
This course is designed for electrical engineers, project
engineers, design engineers, plant engineers and technicians.
It is also applicable for persons who have a considerable
understanding of electrical grounding and are responsible for
the engineering, design, construction, installation, inspection,
operation, or maintenance of electrical grounding systems in an industrial or commercial utility.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Introduction and Basics
Day 2
Grounding of Power Supply Systems
Day 3
Equipment Grounding
Day 4
Lightning, its Effect on Electrical Systems, and Protection Against Lightning
Static Electricity and Protection
Day 5
Ground Electrode System
The fundamentals of electric circuits course provides the
participants with an understanding of the concepts and
techniques of characterizing electrical circuits and their
components. This course introduces the participants to the basic concepts of current, voltage, power, electromagnetism, basic lows and theorems for the analysis of electric circuits. Pulse - response and resonance are also covered.
This course is designed for new electrical engineers, technicians, plant engineers and plant mechanics, electricians, plant mechanics, service technicians, contractors, energy auditors, and layout professionals
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Basic Electrical Circuits
Day 2
Electric Circuits Analysis
Day 3
Power Calculations (Using Computer Programs), Transformers and Amplifiers
Day 4
Instrumentation Amplifiers and I-V Converters
Day 5
AC Responses of the Basic Elements
This course introduces the participants to the basic concepts
of electrical diagrams and documentation, and understanding
electrical symbols and basic layout. Transmission and
distribution lines systems are also covered.
This course is designed for electrical technicians, field engineers, project managers, inspectors, contractors, and journeyman electricians.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Assembly Drawing and Working Drawing
Day 2 and 3
Drawing of Electrical Instrument
Electrical Machine Drawing
Day 4 and 5
Panel Wiring Diagram
Transmission and Distribution Lines
Plant and Substation Layout
The basic objective of area classification is to identify the
possibility of an explosive atmosphere existing in a given
location and more importantly, to influence the design of any
plant or facility to minimize such risks. This course introduces
the participants to the main concepts of area classification,
and identifying hazardous areas’ procedures which need to be
This course is designed for technicians, engineers and safety
personnel. All personnel working in other disciplines in oil & gas
fields may benefit from this course.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Area Classification
Day 2
Area Classification Practice for Gases, Vapors and Mists in Freely Ventilated Situations
Area Classification Practices for Gases, Vapors and Mists Which Are Not in freely Ventilated Situations
Day 3
Design Philosophy for Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres
Day 4
Apparatus Using Protection Concepts: Oil Immersion and Powered Filling, Flame Proof, Increased Safety and Intrinsic Safety
Day 5
Other Methods of Protection and Future Apparatus Requirements
Selection of Power Supply and Apparatus for Gas/Vapor/Mist Risk
Documentation, Inspection, Tests, and Maintenance of Explosive Protected Apparatus, Systems, and Installations
Protective relay systems are installed to cause the prompt
removal from services of any element of a power system
when it suffers a short circuit that might cause damage with
effective operation of the rest of the system1 This course covers a comprehensive understanding of relay operation and solves problems, as well as faults handling of motors, generators and transformers.
This course is designed for supervisors and engineers who are
responsible for maintaining, testing and calibrating protection
relays at power plants
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Current Transformers
Day 2
Overview of Relay Operation
Faults Level Calculations
Day 3
Unit & Time Current Protection
Transformer Protection Overview
Motor Protection
Day 4
Generator Protection Overview
Feeder Protection Overview
Day 5
Practical Work Notes
This course covers all principles of power distribution systems,
overhead line issues, underground distribution installation and
application, in addition ground system safety and faults.
This course is designed for electrical technicians and engineers who are responsible for distribution systems.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1 and 2
Fundamental of Distribution Systems
Overhead Lines
Day 3
Underground Distribution
Day 4
Short–Circuit Protection
Day 5
Grounding and Safety
Distributed Generation
The course covers fundamental electrical and mechanical
design environmental effects, voltage stress, insulation and
grounding systems.
This course is designed for electrical technicians and engineers who are responsible for overhead transmission lines.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Line Design Overview
Environmental Effects
Voltage Stress
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 and 5
Thermal Ratings
In this course, participants will learn about the various options
of UPS systems, the principles of operation, and the main energy sources in most of the modern UPS installations; the battery, and its importance.
This course is designed for electricians, maintenance
technicians, maintenance managers and supervisors, plant and building engineers, building managers and superintendents.
At the end of this course participants will be able to
Day 1
Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals
Day 2
UPS I/O Sections
Day 3
Monitoring Systems
Day 4
PS Grounding and Neutral Configuration
Day 5
System Efficiency Calculation
London, United Kingdom
Imperial College,
Innovation Hub,
4th Floor,
84 Wood Lane, London,
W12 0BZ
The name "UniHouse®" is protected by UK Trademark Registration No. UK00003667826, held by Unihouse Global Ltd. This trademark is registered with the Intellectual Property Office in the United Kingdom. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited