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Compressor Systems – Mechanical Design and Specification

Duration: 5 Days |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge in the different types of compressors, their

appropriate selection, the working and application stages, and

the main problems and errors and their maintenance and

troubleshooting. This covers also the operation of the compressors, taking into consideration the economical matter.

This course is designed for mechanical, facilities, plant, or

pipeline engineers and technicians.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course participants will be able to:

    • Define compressors.
    • Understand the dierent types of compressors, including their sizes specifications, components and selection criteria.
    • Understand the technical features of compressors.
    • Explain compressor application stages (operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of compression).
    • Understand compressors’ economic issues.
  • Course Content

    • Types of compressors, components, performance, and controls
    • Compressor application stages
    • Economical usage principles
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Introduction to Compressors

    1. Definition

    2. Importance

    3. Selection

    Day 2 and 3

    Types of Compressors, Components,

    Performance, and Controls

    1. Centrifugal compressor

    2. Reciprocating compressor

    3. Rotary screw

    Day 4

    Compressor Application Stages

    1. Installation

    2. Operation

    3. Testing

    4. Maintenance

    5. Troubleshooting

    Day 5

    Economical Usage Principles

    1. CAPEX

    2. OPEX

    3. CAPEX and OPEX comparison

Duration: 5 Days |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge in the operation and maintenance of oil & gas

production equipment. This covers the storage tanks and

piping systems maintenance and inspection through the API

standards application, in addition to pump and compressor

monitoring and troubleshooting operations.

This course is designed for engineering personnel responsible

for mechanical systems.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the types of oil and gas production equipment in addition to their all features and operational aspects (operations, technical characteristics, and safety).
    • Explain failures and apply the appropriate failure analysis and risk management technique.
    • Apply failure inspection operation for pressure equipment and vibration monitoring and control of rotating equipment.
    • Apply failure inspection operation for pressure equipment and vibration monitoring and control of rotating equipment.
  • Course Content

    • Stationary Equipment
    • Rotating Equipment
    • Failures and Causes Analytics
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Stationary Equipment

    1. Above-ground storage tanks

    2. Pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and steam boilers

    3. Pipelines and piping systems

    4. Pressure relief valves

    5. ASME BPV VIII and ASME B31.3 Standards

    6. API Inspection Code

    Day 2

    Rotating Equipment

    1. Centrifugal pumps

    2. Reciprocating and rotary pumps

    3. Centrifugal compressors

    4. Reciprocating and rotary compressors

    Day 3

    Failures and Causes Analytics

    1. Failures of stationary and rotating equipment

    2. FMEDA

    3. FFS

    4. RCFA

    5. ALARP criteria

    Day 4

    Inspection and Monitoring Operations

    1. RBI API 580 for stationary pressure equipment (NDT)

    2. ICDA and ECFA

    3. Piping of complex onshore and offshore pipelines

    4. Rotating machinery condition monitoring

    5. Vibration analysis

    Day 5

    Maintenance and Troubleshooting Operations

    1. Storage tanks and pipelines maintenance techniques

    2. Types of protection of pipelines and storage tanks

    3. Rotating equipment troubleshooting techniques

    4. Rotating equipment vibration control

Gas Compressor Operation, Monitoring, and Maintainence

Duration: 4 days

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge in operation, control, maintenance and

troubleshooting of gas compressors.

This course is designed for engineering personnel responsible

for mechanical systems.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course participants will be able to:

    • Understand an overview of gas compressors (types, components, and performance measurements).
    • Explain the problems and failures of gas compressors.
    • Apply elements of monitoring and controlling systems.
    • Determine the causes of compressor vibration.
    • Understand bearing failures.
    • Apply effective maintenance and troubleshooting systems.
  • Course Content

    • Gas compressor operations
    • Gas compressor controlling and monitoring
    • Gas compressor troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Introduction to Compressors

    1. Definition

    2. Importance

    3. Selection

    Day 2

    Gas Compressor Operations

    1. Definition

    2. Types

    3. Fundamentals and components

    4. Performance measurements

    Day 3

    Gas Compressor Controlling and Monitoring

    1. Protection and safety systems

    2. Control systems and instrumentation

    3. Monitoring systems

    4. Vibration monitoring and control

    5. Bearing failures and lubricant oil analysis

    Day 4

    Gas Compressor Troubleshooting & Maintenance

    1. Operational problems of each compressor type

    2. Types of maintenance

    3. Inspection of most critical parts

    4. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

    5. Troubleshooting procedures

Pumps and Compressors

Duration: 7 days |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge and skills in pumping and compressor systems and


This course is designed for engineering personnel responsible

for mechanical systems.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the main pump and compressor types and their specifications and components.
    • Identify the operational performance and control of each pump and compressor type.
    • Understand the principles of application, installation, and operation of pumps and compressors.
    • Know the different types of drivers (motors, engines, turbines).
    • Define pump and compressor troubleshooting techniques.
  • Course Content

    • Gas compressor operations
    • Gas compressor controlling and monitoring
    • Gas compressor troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Introduction to Pumps

    1. Types

    2. Applications

    3. Codes and standards

    4. Piping integration

    5. Troubleshooting

    Day 2 and 3

    Centrifugal Pump

    1. Components

    2. Hydraulics

    3. Controls

    Reciprocating Pump

    1. Components

    2. Hydraulics

    3. Controls

    Rotary Pump

    1. Types

    2. Components

    3. Hydraulics

    4. Controls

    Day 4

    Introduction to Compressors

    1. Applications

    2. Selection

    3. Piping integration

    4. Troubleshooting

    Day 5 and 6

    Centrifugal Compressor

    1. Components

    2. Performance

    3. Controls

    Reciprocating Compressor

    1. Components

    2. Performance

    3. Controls

    Day 7

    Introduction to Rotary Screw Compressors

    1. Operation

    2. Types

    Rotary Screw Compressor Performance

    1. Components

    2. Performance

    3. Controls

Gas Turbine Operations

Duration: 8 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to provide participants with a broad knowledge in the basic operation, controls, monitoring, and problem analysis of gas turbines.

This course is designed for experienced mechanical engineers

and facilities engineers.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Define gas turbine types.
    • Understand the basic components of a gas turbine.
    • Explain the usage of compressor and pump types in gas turbines.
    • Explain the operation and construction of gas turbines, including installation procedures and selection criteria.
    • Evaluate gas turbine performance.
    • Apply proper monitoring procedure.
    • Determine common gas turbine problems.
    • Perform appropriate troubleshooting and maintenance practices.
  • Course Content

    • Gas compressor operations
    • Gas compressor controlling and monitoring
    • Gas compressor troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1 and 2

    Introduction to Gas Turbines

    1. Definition

    2. Gas turbines in the oil & gas industry

    3. Types

    4. Frame type

    5. Heavy-duty gas turbines

    6. Industrial types of gas turbines

    Day 3 and 4

    Gas Turbine Components

    1. Pumps and compressors

    2. Types

    3. Air compressor performance characteristics

    4. Combustor performance and efficiency

    5. Rotors

    6. Blades

    7. Turbines

    8. Fuel nozzles and igniters

    9. Emission control

    10. Miscellaneous

    Day 5 and 6

    Materials of Construction

    1. Operation principles

    2. Electric machinery usage

    3. Installation

    4. Blade materials

    Day 7 and 8

    Gas Turbine Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    1. Monitoring procedures

    2. Performance parameters

    3. Vibration monitoring

    4. Troubleshooting systems

Piping Systems and Process Equipment

Duration: 8 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to provide participants with knowledge of the

mechanical design of piping systems and process equipment.

This also covers the safety operations accompanying designation processes, which includes the inspection and monitoring procedures in addition to the after-operation maintenance and troubleshooting.

This course is designed for process, mechanical, and chemical

engineers, as well as technical personnel involved in inspection, and operation and maintenance engineers.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course participants will be able to:

    • Understand how to make a safe designation.
    • Apply the best procedures for process equipment inspection and monitoring.
    • Understand the different methods of failure analysis.
    • Calculate the remaining life of the equipment.
    • Select the proper type of maintenance and alteration of pressurized process equipment.
  • Course Content

    • Process equipment and piping systems
    • Process equipment safety and failures
    • Process equipment inspection and monitoring
    • Process equipment maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1 and 2

    Process Equipment and Piping Systems

    1. Safety in design

    2. Pressure vessels and storage tank designation

    3. Piping system designation

    4. Design characteristics of fluid handling and thermal equipment

    5. Overpressure protection

    Day 3 and 4

    Process Equipment Safety and Failures

    1. Process equipment safety

    2. Uncontrolled chemical reactions

    3. Piping system vibration

    4. Boiler tubes overheating

    5. Fluid handling equipment problems

    6. Process equipment and piping system failure modes

    7. Failure causes

    8. Material degradation

    Day 5 and 6

    Process Equipment Inspection and Monitoring

    1. Condition monitoring

    2. Inspection and testing techniques: API 572, API 510, API 570

    3. Risk Based Inspection (RBI): API 580

    4. Fitness for service assessment: API 579/ASME FS1

    5. Remaining-life calculation of components

    Day 7 and 8

    Process Equipment Maintenance and


    1. Maintenance types

    2. Positive Material Identification (PMI)

    3. Hot-line stopping

    4. Piping systems and process equipment re-rating

    5. Troubleshooting procedures

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Operation and Maintenance

Duration: 7 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge in operation, control, maintenance, and the

troubleshooting of heavy-duty diesel engines. This covers the

proper usage of engines in all aspects (safety, environment, and economic).

This course is designed for vehicles’ fleet maintenance engineers and technicians, and fleet maintenance supervisors.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course participants will be able to:

    • Identify diesel engines and their principles and features.
    • Understand the difference between heavy duty diesel engines and other types of diesel engines.
    • Explain the types of components of fuel injection systems used in HDD.
    • Define Diesel Electronic Control (DEC).
    • Explain the principle of emission control systems.
    • Understand the procedure and requirements for servicing HDD.
    • Determine the HDD general problems; apply the proper maintenance and troubleshooting operations.
  • Course Content

    • HDD engine working operations
    • Fuel injection systems in HDD engines
    • Electronic Diesel Control (EDC)
    • Maintenance and troubleshooting of HDD engines
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Introduction to Heavy Duty Diesel (HDD) Engines

    1. Definition

    2. Designation

    3. Features and characteristics

    4. Materials

    5. Standards and applications

    Day 2 and 3

    HDD Engine Working Operations

    1. Diesel fuel types

    2. Properties of each diesel fuel type

    3. Combustion process and chamber shapes

    4. HCCI

    5. Types of air charging

    6. Turbocharger

    Day 4

    Fuel Injection Systems in HDD Engines

    1. Types and principles

    2. Components

    3. Fuel injection control (hydraulic, pneumatic, and electronic)

    4. Diesel fuel filtration and water separation

    Day 5 and 6

    Electronic Diesel Control (EDC)

    1. Definition

    2. Components

    3. Processes

    4. Quantitative control systems and fuel limits

    5. Emission control systems:

    • DOC

    • DPF

    • SCR

    • UI

    • EGR

    • CCV

    Day 7

    Maintenance and Troubleshooting of HDD Engines

    1. Inspection tips for HDD engines

    2. HDD engine maintenance procedures

    3. HDD engine troubleshooting

Mechanical Installation Techniques

Duration: 4 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in developing their

knowledge in the mechanical systems’ installation techniques.

This includes HVAC, firefighting, pumps, pumping systems,

and their types, components, designation, application, and

troubleshooting procedures.

This course is designated for engineering personnel responsible for mechanical systems.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course participants will be able to:

    • Identify HVAC, pumps, firefighting, and pumping systems.
    • Understand each mechanical system’s fundamental concepts, types, and proper material selection.
    • Know how to design each system and its installation procedures.
    • Explain the general problems of these systems, in addition to the maintenance and troubleshooting processes.
  • Course Content

    • Firefighting systems
    • HVAC
    • Plumbing systems
    • Pumps
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Firefighting Systems

    1. Definition and introduction

    2. Types

    3. Designation and installation

    Day 2


    1. What is HVAC?

    2. Air-condition definition

    3. HVAC procedures

    4. HVAC interior design

    5. Types of HVAC systems and selection procedures

    6. HVAC system type applications

    Day 3

    Plumbing Systems

    1. Water network types and components

    2. Material selection and performance parameters

    3. Complementary systems

    4. Efficiencies and design

    5. Design of water networks

    6. Pipe sizing

    7. Steam and condensate piping

    Day 4


    1. Types

    2. Features

    3. Selection procedures

    4. Performance parameters

    5. Cavitations and NPSH

    6. Water hammer calculations

    7. Installation and testing

    8. Possible failures

    9. Maintenance and troubleshooting procedures

Valve and Actuator Technology

Duration: 6 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to enable participants in improving their

knowledge in valves and actuators. This covers all valve and

actuator aspects and operations, which includes, designation,

material selection, construction, application, and maintenance.

This course is designed for maintenance personnel and

instrumentation technicians and engineers.

  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Identify HVAC, pumps, firefighting, and pumping systems.
    • Understand each mechanical system’s fundamental concepts, types, and proper material selection.
    • Know how to design each system and its installation procedures.
    • Explain the general problems of these systems, in addition to the maintenance and troubleshooting processes.
  • Course Content

    • Overview
    • Valve sizing, actuators, and positioners
    • Safety systems and valve-actuator combinations
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1 and 2

    Valves and Actuators – Overview

    1. Identifications

    2. Uses, purposes, and principles

    3. Characteristics

    4. Conditions and operation

    5. Pressure drops and recovery

    6. CV, choked flow and flashing, and cavitations

    7. Material selection

    8. Construction and operations

    9. Complementary equipment

    10. Valve seat leakage rates and classifications

    Day 3 and 4

    Valve Sizing, Actuators, and Positioners

    1. Valve sizing for liquids and gases

    2. Actuators, bench-setting, and valve positioners

    3. Cavitations’ control and noise reduction

    4. Valve inspection, maintenance, and troubleshooting

    Day 5 and 6

    Safety Systems and Valve-Actuator Combinations

    1. Pressure relief devices

    2. Valve safety systems

    3. Pipe sizes and pressure classifications

    4. Valve-actuator combinations, applications, and maintenance

    5. Codes and standards

Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Design

Duration: 6 days  |  Level: Intermediate

This course aims to provide participants with a broad knowledge of pressure vessels and heat exchangers. This covers material selection, design calculations, and design codes and standards.

This course is designed for mechanical engineers and facilities


  • Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Know the international codes and standards related to oil & gas equipment.
    • Explain the designation of pressure equipment.
    • Understand how to design heat exchangers, both mechanically and thermally.
    • Specify correct and commonly used materials.
    • Understand how to calculate fatigue.
  • Course Content

    • Vessel codes and standards
    • Mechanical design of pressure equipment
    • Mechanical design of flanged connections
    • Thermal design of shell and tube heat exchangers
    • Mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers
    • Pressure equipment and heat exchanger fatigues
  • Programme Schedule

    Day 1

    Vessel Codes and Standards

    1. ASME B&PV Code

    2. TEMA

    3. API

    Day 2

    Mechanical Design of Pressure Equipment

    1. Material selection

    2. Types of risks

    3. Pressure equipment designation

    4. Loads and stresses

    5. Failure modes

    6. Stresses

    Day 3

    Mechanical Design of Flanged Connections

    1. Flanged connection features

    2. Types of flanges

    3. Flanged connections’ plans and calculations

    4. Gasket selection criteria

    Day 4

    Thermal Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanges

    1. Heat exchanger operation principles

    2. Types of heat exchangers

    3. Baffles definition and types

    4. Heat exchange transferring classifications

    5. Heat exchange condensers and re-boilers

    6. Feed water heaters

    7. Fouling factor

    Day 5

    Mechanical Design of Shell and

    Tube Heat Exchangers

    1. High-pressure heat exchangers

    2. Tube sheet design

    3. Expansion bellows

    4. Floating heads

    Day 6

    Pressure Equipment and Heat Exchanger Fatigues

    1. Pressure equipment fatigue principles

    2. Heat exchanger fatigue principles

    3. Fatigue calculation

    4. Troubleshooting processes

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