This course aims to enable the participants in developing their knowledge and skills in environmental management. This covers
management of hazardous materials, and hazardous waste, in industrial and industrial settings.
This course is designed for environment unit managers and HSE officers.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Introduction to Hazardous Material Regulations
Day 2
OHSA Regulations and Standards
Day 3
EPA Regulations and Standards:
Day 4
DOT Regulations
Day 5
Radioactive Materials
Day 6
Topics in Environmental Management
This course aims to enable participants in developing their knowledge and skills in the management of hazardous materials
and incidents. This includes an overview and the application of the different types of regulations and policies.
This course is designed for security and safety officers, and HSE officers.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Day 1
Hazardous Waste Operation Regulations
1. Training requirements
2. HAZWOPER occupational safety and health programs
3. Medical surveillance programs
4. Site safety and health plans
5. Emergency response plans
6. Environmental requirements: illumination and sanitation
7. Hazard communication standards
8. Lockout/tag-out procedures
9. Construction and other applicable standards
Day 2
Health Hazards
1. Exposure to chemical, biological, and radiological hazards
2. Principles of toxicology
3. Fundamentals of chemical hazards
4. Fire and explosion hazards of chemicals
5. General safety hazards at hazardous waste sites
Day 3
Personal Protection
1. Selection and maintenance of personal protective equipment
2. Respirator programs
3. Protection levels (A, B, C)
4. Decontamination procedures
5. Donning and dong procedures
6. Hazard coding systems
Day 4
Safety Procedures at Hazardous Waste Sites
1. Confined space entry procedures
2. Container sampling procedures and safety measures
3. Spill control
4. Use of material-handling equipment
5. Shipping and transport of hazardous waste
Day 5
Site Control
1. Site preparation
2. Site work zones
3. The buddy system
4. Communication
Day 6
Hazardous Material Incidents
1. Classification of hazardous materials
2. Placarding
3. Special hazards of chemical incidents
4. Shipping configurations
5. Incident command system
6. Control zones
7. Resources for emergency responders
This course aims to enable participants in developing their knowledge in industrial hygiene. This course emphasizes the recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards.
This course is designed for health ocers and HSE ocers.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Day 1
Toxicology Basics
1. Classes
2. Measuring
3. Kinetics
Day 2
Respiratory Hazards and Protection
1. Respiratory system
2. Particle deposition mechanisms
3. Occupational asthma
4. Hazards of gases and vapours
5. Types of respirators
6. Selection and programs
Day 3
Industrial Hygiene Evaluation: Air Monitoring
1. Air contaminants
3. Area vs. personal sampling
4. Analytical methods
5. Direct-reading
Day 4
Control of Airborne Hazards: Ventilation
1. Ventilation systems
2. Components
3. Types of hoods
4. Air cleaners, fans, and stacks
Day 5
Confined Space Standards
1. Definitions
2. Examples
3. Written program elements
4. Duties of defined individuals
5. Rescue
Day 6
Occupational Noise Exposure
1. Anatomy of the ear
2. Physics and measurement of sound
3. Standards and hearing conservation programs
4. Control of occupational noise hazards
Day 7
Temperature Stress
1. Illnesses and control of body temperature
2. Evaluating heat and cold stress
3. Exposure standards
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Imperial College,
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84 Wood Lane, London,
W12 0BZ
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